Tag Archive | author Charmaine Gordon

1/27/13 Six Sentence Sunday featuring AFTER HIM

The final curtain or is it? Thanks to a small group of people, we’ve been brought together in fun and friendship on Sunday’s. Thanks for all you’ve done and my love and best wishes to you.

And now a new story of the search for love and companionship in two mature people who meet at Helen Hayes Rehab Hospital on Valentine Day.

excerpt in six:

I tried, God knows I’ve tried all my tricks to get his attention and today might be my last chance.  This guy, the saddest looking Irish face I’d seen since I had to pick one out of a line-up, stuck to himself never speaking to anyone. I wanted to share more with this stand offish private guy.

What luck. By chance, the machine next to me was unoccupied and the Irisher tapped his way over, a cane leading the way.

I gave it my best shot with an adorable grin, dimples showing, “What’re you in for?”

“Huh? What does that mean, ‘in for’, sounds like we’re in jail,”  his  slight brogue pleasing to my ear.

“We are prisoners in a sense, of our bodies as they heal and then we’re set free.”


www.sixsunday.com for more snippets

http://www.vanillaheartbooksandauthors.com/ where you can read chapters on my author page

1/20/13 Six Sentence Sunday featuring Love The Way I Am

Welcome Sixers and friends. I’ve welcomed your comments the past year and a half and hope we can keep in touch when SSS closes the door next week. It’s been a great run. Maybe it won’t end, hmm?

Diane O’Rourke and Tony Flannigan meet again. She’s at home on a Saturday night after working a full shift at the clinic. Alone with BooBoo the cat, she makes herself comfortable before scratching up some dinner.
excerpt in six:
I pulled a colorful print robe over my head so I could breathe and now for dinner.
 The husky male voice from the beach, from my fantasy in the shower, called this time from the screen door at the back.
  “Diane, it’s Tony from the beach this morning wondering all day how you’re feeling and I hope you don’t mind me stopping by like this.”
  Tony Flannigan, oh my God, it’s an omen like money in the bank. “Hey Tony, it just so happens. . .”
  and hurried to the screen door to let him into my life.
The Beginning (not the end)523800_3563845451216_18294486_n


www.sixsunday.com for more snippets

http://www.vanillaheartbooksandauthors.com/ where you can read chapters on my author page

1/13/13 Six Sentence Sunday featuring Love The Way I Am



Welcome Sixers and friends. I appreciate your feedback each week.ImageAnd now for another peek into the life of pediatrician Diane O’Rourke alone on Saturday night with her cat, BooBoo.

excerpt in six:

Nights are long in March, long and chilly with heavy winds blowing across the ocean. I thought about building a fire and got over it.  Boo Boo snaked around my ankles until I emptied a can of cat food into his bowl and he forgot about me. My new doctor’s jacket felt a bit snug when I finally removed it. What the hell, I thought, must be a different brand. NO, stop fooling yourself and admit you like to eat BUT you don’t live to eat and you’ve got to set a good example for your little patients so don’t overdo it.  









12/30/12 Six Sentence Sunday featuring Love The Way I Am


Welcome Sixers and friends. Happy New Year to all. You’ve meant a lot to me with comments and friendship.

Last week, Dianne indulged in a fantasy starring Tony Flannigan with her in the cabana, in the shower. So far we have seen them on the hard packed sand in St. Augustine Beach, Florida. And now the pediatrician and the physical therapist in her wet dream.

excerpt in six:

His hands move down to my ample breasts as he pays careful attention to perky nipples standing at attention, and soaps each one as if they are priceless objects.

“My wife died two years ago from  anorexia; a wasted life over a compulsion. I haven’t looked at another woman since and then I fell on top of you, Diane and knew you weren’t a bag of bones. I ran my fingers through your glorious hair and wanted to touch you all over, feel your resilient flesh open to me.”

He soaps my back and slides his hands lower to cup my abundant buns while my insides melt and I tug at his shorts and there he is, a splendid specimen of male in my shower.

Breathless, I cry out, “Now, Tony, now. I can’t wait another minute,” and reach down to feel. . .nothing.


www.sixsunday.com for more snippets

http://www.vanillaheartbooksandauthors.com/ where you can read chapters on my author page

11/25/12 Six Sentence Sunday featuring Love The Way I Am

Welcome Sixers and friends as the year, like all good stories,  hurries to a conclusion. I say what’s the rush? Take your time; savor each moment while we’re here. Last week our young woman on the beach was stumbled upon by, what else, a handsome young man. She’s concerned once he discovers her not-so-svelte body, he’ll run screaming away. The plot thickens. At this point, he’s concerned she might be injured under the thick cover of wet sand.


“I’m Tony Flannigan, physical therapist at the clinic in town and I work free-lance.”

Expert hands examined my neck, shoulders and fingers reached through curly blond hair to press my scalp. Peering through my dark wrap-around sun glasses, Tony smiled the whitest smile on the East coast and said, “Are your ribs okay?”

Panic set in because Tony wouldn’t be able to find my ribs with all the donuts stuck to them. A lesson from childhood to clean your plate because good food sticks to your ribs. I sat up, slipped the big beach wrap over my head and shoulders and said I was fine.

www.sixsunday.com for more snippets

http://www.vanillaheartbooksandauthors.com/ where you can read chapters on my author page

http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/7283 – one of the ibookbuzz book club selections this month, Yay! http://bit.ly/pfjmjs

11/4/12 Six Sentence Sunday featuring Starting Over

Welcome Sixers and friends.  My love and best thoughts to those who suffered in the aftermath of the storm. After an horrendous scary week, I’m bringing to a close my snippets of Starting Over. Next week brings a new story. Emily begins to rebuild her life after her tragic loss. Emily’s close friend Mark, a widower, returns from a trip to find that Emily defended herself against the man who killed Patrick.


“Hold me tight, please, I feel as if I’m coming apart at the seams,” Mark said. “As I drove here from the airport, all I thought about was you, how much I care for you, how this time there was a chance for us to have a life together, to grow old together. From a distance I saw flashing lights, knew something terrible —” hoarse sobs, “when I saw you standing, soaked but standing on the beach I almost lost it. Relief sure, but that thing at your feet, he attempted to kill — my precious Emily.” He cradled her face in his hands.

Emily turned off the lights, slammed the door and grabbed Mark’s hand, a welcoming smile on her face, “Now what were you saying about a place for me to stay?”

www.sixsunday.com for more snippets

http://www.vanillaheartbooksandauthors.com/ where you can read chapters on my author page

Starting Over by Charmaine Gordon




10/14/12 Six Sentence Sunday featuring Starting Over

Hi Sixers and friends, last week the watcher,Clifford Lansdale set his dune buggy on a course toward Emily’s husband, Patrick. What happens next changes the course of Emily’s life. As always, I appreciate your comments.


Just a tap to send him sprawling, one tiny tap thought as Clifford Lansdale geared up high, pedal to the floor heading straight for the target. A slam in the middle of Patrick’s back sent him flying backwards onto the hood. The lawyer slid almost face to face with the windshield, his eyes already unfocused. The dune buggy drove on coming to a stop at water’s edge. Not quite what you had in mind, Cliffie, and breathing heavily, he climbed out of the buggy to get the lawyer off. Using forgotten strength, driven by an adrenalin rush, he tugged at the bloodied body until it was thrown clear landing where waves pooled over the remains of the clever lawyer, Patrick Corwin as his body swayed gently with each ebb and flow of the sea.

www.sixsunday.com for more snippets

http://www.vanillaheartbooksandauthors.com/ where you can read chapters on my author page

Starting Over by Charmaine Gordon
