11/4/12 Six Sentence Sunday featuring Starting Over

Welcome Sixers and friends.  My love and best thoughts to those who suffered in the aftermath of the storm. After an horrendous scary week, I’m bringing to a close my snippets of Starting Over. Next week brings a new story. Emily begins to rebuild her life after her tragic loss. Emily’s close friend Mark, a widower, returns from a trip to find that Emily defended herself against the man who killed Patrick.


“Hold me tight, please, I feel as if I’m coming apart at the seams,” Mark said. “As I drove here from the airport, all I thought about was you, how much I care for you, how this time there was a chance for us to have a life together, to grow old together. From a distance I saw flashing lights, knew something terrible —” hoarse sobs, “when I saw you standing, soaked but standing on the beach I almost lost it. Relief sure, but that thing at your feet, he attempted to kill — my precious Emily.” He cradled her face in his hands.

Emily turned off the lights, slammed the door and grabbed Mark’s hand, a welcoming smile on her face, “Now what were you saying about a place for me to stay?”

www.sixsunday.com for more snippets

http://www.vanillaheartbooksandauthors.com/ where you can read chapters on my author page

Starting Over by Charmaine Gordon




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